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Saviesa verda

Green Wisdom Project

The project aims to increase the culture of sustainability to the citizens of Barcelona, encouraging participation, awareness and action, through social networks, newsletters and specific educational material.


The project is part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations, specifically in Goal 11. Achieve that cities and human settlements are inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. And it is also, and above all, part of the Citizen Commitment for Sustainability 2002-2012 in Barcelona, ​​to extend the culture of sustainability to citizens, schools, organizations, entities and businesses in the city of Barcelona in through the principle of shared responsibility.


Sustainability is a fundamental challenge of our times. If we want to have a future, we must commit ourselves to making it possible by spurring the transition between today's unsustainable economic and cultural models and a new way of life that guarantees human development for all the inhabitants of the Earth, without ruining the foundations. and the diversity of life.


There is a real need for transformation and improvement of the city, with the citizens as the main agent of change, so that sustainability is a way of life in all areas. Therefore, we need to promote a culture of sustainability, a culture under construction that involves rethinking how we organize our lives, so that we find solutions that increase our quality of life and minimize the impacts that degrade the environment and resources.


The values ​​it promotes are, especially:

- Sustainability. Not only is it an intrinsic value in the entity, as it is part of its mission and vision, but it is the central theme of the project.

- Participation. The project promotes and dynamizes the participation of the volunteers of the organization and the beneficiaries, as the backbone of the project.

- Co-responsibility. It promotes this value in the sense of involvement in sustainable development and in the daily actions we take in this regard.

- Innovation. The project uses new tools (social networks, e-newsletters, innovative educational materials) in the service of sustainability.


The general objective of the project is to promote, increase and improve the culture of sustainability of the citizens of Barcelona through innovative channels, ensuring the qualitative participation of women volunteers and beneficiaries. In this sense it aims to: Promote energy saving, promote sustainable mobility in the city, know the green spaces of the city and use them, promote the reduction, reuse and recycling of waste, mitigate climate change, p romoure responsible consumption and limiting unnecessary consumption - inspire for a healthy diet.




Metafor Project

The Metafor project makes available to the most isolated rural areas the possibility of enjoying the many advantages of information technologies. It proposes a comprehensive solution, based on satellite transmission and multicast technology, for distance vocational training.

The project is part of the European Commission's Trans-European Telecommunications Networks (TEN-Telecom) program, DG XIII, and is based on satellite data transmission technology.


Catalonia is a territory that includes from large metropolitan areas to small county capitals and large rural areas with small inhabited areas and isolated farmhouses. This unequal distribution of the population has greatly influenced the development of the necessary infrastructure to be able to enjoy many services, traditionally access to education and, more recently, the internet connection. While large urban centers have been quickly wired, more isolated rural areas have suffered the consequences of offering low economic profitability for these types of investments.


The main goal of the Metafor project is to make available to these isolated areas the possibility of enjoying the multiple advantages of Information Technologies, for the employment of people who do not have access to all the services offered by the large industrial cities. People living in small rural areas find it difficult to access quality training and employment.


One of the objectives of the project, hence our participation, is to design and test a program on "Sustainable Management of Mediterranean Forests" via satellite. This course aims to test the pedagogical effectiveness of this new learning system.


The course "Sustainable Forest Management" provides students with a basic knowledge of the natural environment, the functioning of forests, the exploitation systems that are carried out and the tools of sustainable management. These contents are complemented with teaching resources and links to various sources of information. The main goal is to give students tools that allow them to manage Mediterranean forests in a sustainable way.


We share consortium with:


Promoter: Airtel Space in Nice, France.


National Institute of Higher Agricultural Education of Dijon, France,


Groupememnt Diinterêt Internatinonal Public RENATER, France,


SAX Supercomputing Center of Galicia, Spain,


Sveriges Llantbruksuniversitet, Sweden,


University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain,


Viviance new education SA, France.


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