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Alimentació saludable

Healthy Eating Project

Promotion of food sovereignty. The project promotes a healthy, fair and sustainable diet, based on local products produced in an agro-ecological way, respecting the environment and betting on a living and dignified rural world.

It promotes a model where consumers become involved in their food, connecting with producers.

It affects different points: cultivation of food products in a natural way, reuse of food, awareness of the public in relation to local products and responsible consumption of food.

It values ​​local, ecological and healthy products because they contribute to improving the quality of life of the population and preserve the environment. The culture and values ​​of these food products are worked on and promoted, as they are understood to be very beneficial for the citizens and for the territory as a whole. Food sovereignty promotes the short circuit of the food chain, from those who produce and cultivate in the territory to the population that consumes these foods.

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