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Village Project

Wastewater treatment with biotechnological systems, reproducing the swamp ecosystem

The main objective of the project is to build a treatment plant with the "wetland" Life system that is integrated into the rural and natural environment, which is an added aesthetic value and an ecological refuge for wildlife, which promotes the development of tourism. rural water, and that it meets the water quality standards set by the European Union


The purification system wants to reproduce the natural ecosystems of wetlands, very productive systems as a result of a set of variables such as a lot of sun exposure, a lot of water and high concentrations of nutrients. This high productivity accelerates the microbial activity and as a consequence generates a great capacity of decomposition of the organic matter present in the environment. These are biochemical reactors that we want to investigate especially for wastewater treatment. In them the purification is the result of the biological activity (aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms, crustaceans, vertebrates and flora especially the macrophytes) and their interactions with the porous environment that sustains them, that in addition acts physically like filter. As a result, this treatment system could be integrated very well into its natural environment with a playful and aesthetic aspect.


We demonstrate the effectiveness of this technology in urban wastewater treatment. The "wetland" Life system reproduces the system of natural wetlands and takes advantage of the self-regulatory effects of swamps. It is an ecological wastewater treatment system, which is integrated into the so-called low-cost soft technologies. This technology is especially suitable for small and medium-sized communities thanks to:

  • its good performance with the elimination of pathogens and other contaminants

  • its ease of operation and maintenance, low cost and no need for specialized labor.

  • their good integration into the rural and natural environment, as they can constitute an added aesthetic value and a refuge for the local and migratory fauna.


The conservation of water and the prevention of its pollution is of vital importance, for the protection of health and the economic and social development of a growing population. Proper control and sensible decisions are a key issue for the effective management of water resources. The current problem of water purification, in small nuclei, could be solved with this biotechnological system, low maintenance cost and without specialized labor.


The biotechnological wastewater treatment system we are working on is a local water sanitation, which approximates the responsibility for discharges to the sources of origin. Wastewater treatment plants are part of the integral water cycle in the biosphere. The responsibility for cleaning the water should lie with the community that produces it. In addition, the project aims to turn wastewater treatment into a system fully integrated into the natural environment with a playful and aesthetic aspect.



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